Friday, February 25, 2011

PREACHINGTODAY.COM ANNOUNCES BOOK AWARDS a website of Christianity Today International announces annual book awards that strengthen the soul and skill of preachers. identified three books in two categories that are thought to stir preacher's souls or enhance preacher's abilities in ways that will pay dividends for a lifetime of proclaiming God's Word.

In the category of Feeding the Preacher's Soul, recognizes Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas. Hershael York, preaching professor at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and pastor of the Buck Run Baptist Church in Frankfort, Kentucky, says "Nothing feeds the soul quite like the witness of true courage undergirded by theological conviction."

In the category of Enhancing the Preacher's Skills, selected Reclaiming the Old Testament for Christian Preaching edited by Grenville J. R. Kent; Paul J. Kissling; and Laurence A. Turner as the winner. Mark Mitchell, pastor of Central Peninsula Church in Foster City, California, describes this book as "Well-written, practical, scholarly but readable, and the writers come from a variety of theological positions within evangelicalism. Each chapter discusses how to preach a particular book or genre of the Old Testament. The book has a great chapter on preaching from difficult Old Testament texts." The runner-up in this category is Michael Lawrence's book Biblical Theology in the Life of the Church.

Pastors can find out more and leave comments about the book awards by visiting is an online resource for preachers and teachers that provides tools and training to advance the art and craft of biblical preaching. Pastors can start their 30-day free trial membership by visiting today.

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