Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Heaven Is For Real by Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent (Thomas Nelson) is #1 on the paperback nonfiction list and the combined hardcover & paperback nonfiction list; and #2 on the combined print and e-Book nonfiction list and the e-Book nonfiction list.

Crazy Love by Francis Chan with Danae Yankoski (David C. Cook) is #1 on the paperback advice & misc. list.

The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman (Northfield/Moody) is #3 on the paperback advice & misc. list.

The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven by Kevin Malarkey and Alex Malarkey (Tyndale House) is #6 on the paperback nonfiction list; and #14 on the combined hardcover & paperback nonfiction list; #17 on the combined print and e-Book nonfiction list; and #34 on the e-Book nonfiction list.

Radical by David Platt (Multnomah) is #7 on the paperback advice & misc. list.

One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp (Zondervan) is #7 on the hardcover advice & misc. list.

Erasing Hell by Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle (David C. Cook) is #10 on the paperback advice & misc. list.

The Love Dare by Stephen and Alex Kendrick with Lawrence Kimbrough (B&H) is #11 on the paperback advice & misc. list.

Made To Crave by Lysa TerKeurst (Zondervan) is #12 on the paperback advice & misc. list.

Love Wins by Rob Bell (HarperOne/HarperCollins) is #13 on the hardcover advice & misc. list.

Forgotten God by Francis Chan with Danae Yankoski (David C. Cook) is #13 on the paperback advice & misc. list.

The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey (Thomas Nelson) is #4 on the monthly hardcover business book list and #15 on the hardcover advice & misc. list.

Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow with Nathan Whitaker (HarperCollins) is #18 on the hardcover nonfiction list and #33 on the combined hardcover & paperback nonfiction list.

The Sacred Acre - The Ed Thomas Story by Mark Tabb (Zondervan) is #25 on the hardcover nonfiction list.

90 Minutes In Heaven by Don Piper with Cecil Murphey (Revell/Baker) is #26 on the paperback nonfiction list.

Thunder Dog by Michael Hingson with Susy Flory (Thomas Nelson) is #27 on the e-Book nonfiction list, #31 on the combined print and e-Book nonfiction list, and #33 on the hardcover nonfiction list.

Growing Up Amish by Ira Wagler (Tyndale House) is #31 on the e-Book nonfiction list.

1 comment:

whatthehellbook said...

The world is lost and dying and needs Jesus Christ. Just because the Scriptures do not teach eternal punishment, doesn't mean that there isn't a sense of urgency to spread the Good News. Why do many Christians need a literal & eternal Hell in order to spread the Gospel?

