Thursday, April 1, 2010


A new anthology, tentatively titled The Cheese Gun and Other Misfires:
Mothers on Peace, Justice, Stewardship and More
, features stories
by women who long to teach their children the value of peace,which can be
expressed in Justice,stewardship,simplicity,egalitarianism,compassion,and mercy.

Submissions for this collection should be narrative-driven rather than how-to: We are not looking for lectures about how best to teach our children, or for overly preachy polemics. Instead, we are gathering true
stories about how mothers have attempted to convey values to their children—how they have succeeded,and how they have failed. Writers should rely on humor, self-reflection, and honesty in conveying their
experiences; we are not interested in maudlin stories of disappointment or in narratives critical of the values the anthology promotes. Writers should rely on personal experiences. Potential topics include:

▶Teaching children simplicity in a consumer-driven culture

▶Conveying the significance of pacifism when guns can be easily made from sticks, cheese, legos, one’s hand

▶Negotiating a culture that equates military involvement with patriotism
▶Modeling economic justice and showing compassion for the poor without overwhelming children with guilt

▶Reflecting the ideal of egalitarianism when examples of gender inequity seem more prevalent

The anthology’s editors—Melanie Mock and Rebekah Schneiter—in cooperation with Barclay Press, will select for publication essays following these criteria:
▶Exhibit a good narrative with a strong beginning, middle, and end
▶Show, rather than tell
▶Draw the reader into the experiences of the writer
▶Focus on the individual as a means of understanding the universal
Submissions failing to connect with the anthology’s audience because of theme, content, or tone
will not be considered.
Essays should be tightly written, between 1,000-5,000 words. Shorter and longer essays might be considered,but are less likely to be selected for publication.


FORMAT AND SUBMITTING: Essays should be typed and double-spaced. Please make sure to include your name,
address, and phone number on the first page; on subsequent pages, include your name and pagination. Submissions
should be sent electronically to

1 comment:

ddpattison said...

Any info on how much this market will pay for a short story?