Tuesday, January 22, 2008


You will now find a full list of conferences for 2008 on my Website: www.stuartmarket.com. Click on "Conferences" at the top of the home page. Most of these conference now have their own Webpage where you can get all the details about the conference including a list of teachers/speakers, a copy of the schedule, and a form or instructions for applying. I can't encourage you enough to try and attend at least one conference a year. Conferences are become a "must-do" for the successful Christian writer. Initially you will go for the instruction, and then as you progress you will want to find conferences that have a lot of editors and agents in attendance. Many of the publishers who are listed as not accepting freelance submissions are now attending conferences to find qualified writers.

1 comment:

Glynnis Whitwer said...

Hi Sally,

This is a fantastic list of conference. Thank you! I wanted to let you know that that Proverbs 31 writer's conference (She Speaks) is scheduled for June 20-22. This conference also offers tracks for speakers, women's ministry leaders and teenage girls - but participants can take any workshop. It's an amazing conference, equipping women to represent God in many arenas of life.

Glynnis Whitwer
Director Writer's Track
She Speaks