Monday, December 31, 2007


I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas and is looking forward to a productive New Year. I would like to challenge you to set at least a few new goals that will make you stretch and grow as a writer. It's easy to fall into a rut--writing only those things that have a ready or easy market. When I first started writing I wrote exclusively for all the publications put out by my denomination--they would buy almost everything I sent them. It is a good place to start your career--becoming a big fish in a small pond--but at some point we need to launch out and start submitting to bigger and more challenging markets. That's the only way we can ever grow as a writer. You may have to endure more rejection slips in the beginning, but eventually the pay checks and sense of satisfaction will grow as well. Onward!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Thank you for the encouragement to press forward, Sally. Happy New Year! May I quote you on my writer's blog?:-)

Blessings & grace,