Friday, March 7, 2008

CBN.COM NEEDS ARTICLES is preparing a special in-depth section related to the upcoming Disney and Walden Media film "Prince Caspian." We are looking for articles, book excerpts, video clips, and interviews related to the movie, the "Prince Caspian" book, the Narnia series, or C.S. Lewis. All text submissions should be between 750 to 1000 words -- though some excerpts or interviews can be divided into parts if they are longer. Text submissions should be sent as attached Word documents via e-mail to me at Please also include the JPG of any book cover art or images, the author's photo, bio, e-mail, and links to pertinent Web sites.

Any video should preferably be 3 to 5 minutes in length, although we will consider longer video if we believe it will work with the overall special page.

The page will be similar in design to other special sections like these:

Amazing Grace Movie:

Reclaiming the Covenant:

The Da Vinci Code:

The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe:

We plan to launch this special section on March 31st. Please send any submissions by March 17th. Please feel free to e-mail with any questions, or you can call me at (757) 226-3557.

I appreciate your interest in and look forward to hearing from you.


Craig von Buseck
Director of Ministries
977 Centerville Turnpike · Virginia Beach, VA 23463
Tel: (757) 226-3557 · Fax: (757) 226-3575 ·

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