Monday, March 10, 2008


Who Wants To Make Their Book An Instant Bestseller?

Join us Thursday, March 13th and discover the ingenious "Bestseller Blueprint" smart authors are using to make their books bestsellers

FR: Steve Harrison, Book Marketing Update

Dear Author (or Future Author):

Like most authors I know, my friend Peggy McColl dreamed of seeing her book on the New York Times Best Seller List, the most prestigious bestseller list in the country.

Well, on May 20, 2007, Peggy saw her dream come true.

Her book "Your Destiny Switch" not only hit #13 on the New York Times Best Seller List for hardcover advice, but also #3 on Barnes & Noble and #2 on Amazon, just behind Harry Potter.

In less than a week, Peggy sold more books than 95% of authors sell in their lifetimes and surprisingly, it cost her practically nothing to do it!

Want to discover how she did it ... and how you can use her strategies to make your own book an almost instant bestseller?

I'm Steve Harrison, publisher of Book Marketing Update, and I'd like to invite you to a free telephone seminar this Thursday, March 13th. On the call, you'll hear me interview Peggy and her business partner Randy Gilbert about their proven formula for creating bestsellers.

Regardless of where you are in the publishing process -- whether your book is still in the idea stage, just published or even if it's been out for years, this is a call you won't want to miss.

Go here now to register for Thursday's call:

Here's just some of what you'll discover on the call:

* Peggy & Randy's ingenious yet simple, five-step Bestseller Blueprint any author can use to make their book a bestseller in only 38 days at almost no cost.

* How they've used the formula to make numerous books bestsellers and how one author used their method to sell 6,828 copies for $27 each without spending a dime on advertising (yes, that's $184,256.00 in sales!).

* Why their formula works for all types of books, fiction or non-fiction, regardless of subject -- whether they're self-published, POD, ebooks; newly-published or even those that have been out for years.

* Why you need absolutely no marketing expertise or experience to implement their Bestseller Blueprint.

* Big mistakes almost all publishers make selling books on Amazon.

* Case histories of several authors who've hit various bestseller lists using this approach.

* How the morning after hitting #5 on the Amazon List, Randy started getting calls from agents and publishers from all over the world interested in buying foreign rights.

* Want big-time publicity? You'll learn how becoming a Bestseller makes it much easier to get media exposure.

Again, there's no cost to participate in this telephone seminar except your normal long distance charges.

To register for Thursday's telephone seminar, go here:

Who knows, maybe I'll be seeing your book on the Bestseller List very soon!


Steve Harrison
Book Marketing Update

1 comment:

lovegodfirst said...

Thanks Steve for your help to others. I long to write a best seller but am trying to gain as much information as I can before I go down a barren road. I have written a novel already; not a lot of sales; a few people bought a copy. I want a blueprint for a historical Irish novel in turbulent times [1166 - 1185] in Europe. I am also a Christian and want to speak Christianly to folk. Thanks for opportunity, sorry to miss your invitation [a year too late]. Marie